Burn It Down (The Burn Series Book 2) Page 15
I liked to see her work at the coffee shop. It was cute the way she talked with customers and made them fall in love with her. Except the suits who wanted a piece of her sweet ass.
They ordered shit they didn’t even drink just to watch her ass work behind the counter. I might take up drinking coffee if she was my barista too. What I didn’t like was how pushy her pretty professor was.
I’d seen enough after her kissed the side of her mouth and crushed her to him yesterday. They had innocent lunches and he touched her too much, and she didn’t like it. I could see in her eyes she compared his touch to mine. Every single time.
I had all I needed to know when she told me to fuck her on the street tonight. I would have. I would have lifted her skirt and drove deep inside her pussy if I didn’t know she was hurting. That I had made her hurt. I was done making her hurt.
Instead, I told the truth. I had brought plenty women home right in front of her, even when I knew she wanted me. Since her birthday, when I’d heard some truth too, I hadn’t touched a single one of them.
Well, that’s a lie. I let one of them, who looked enough like her for me to fake it, swallow my cock. I came all over her tits and called her Gigi. Never heard from her again.
The night Gigi turned 21, I knew I was falling in love with her. I think I always had been, but that night confirmed it. It was several months ago, and we had taken her out to celebrate.
My resistance was paper thin, and when she danced and touched me, I almost told her I wanted her. When I took her home in a cab because the others got wasted, she curled into me as I held her. I laid in her bed at her dorm and took care of her. It was the best fucking night of my life, and Gigi had no idea.
“I hate you. Because I want you and you don’t want me. Why don’t you want me, Finn?”
I always wanted her; that night, more than ever. She let me put her in bed in her panties and bra, and it took everything not to show her how wrong she was.
“Oh, Gigi. You don’t want me. I’m just Cage’s bro. Makes it easy. Safe.” Gigi rolled over, exposing her full breasts and creamy skin, and glared up at me.
“Nothing about how I feel about you is safe. Or easy. I love you, Finn Cooper, and you don’t even know I exist.” My entire world shifted on its axis.
“Gigi, Sweet Girl, hush. You’re drunk. Drunks love everyone.” My chest was tight and tears stung my eyes; could she really love me?
“Not drunk. Maybe a little. Still love you, Finn. Drunk or sober. Sad or happy. I love you, and I will always love you. I want you, but you don’t want me, and it hurts. Still love you. Always love you.” I held her closer than I should have and stayed all night. Before I snuck out at dawn, I said three words.
“Always love you.” They were pressed into the back of her neck before I forced myself to let her go.
All this time later, and I never had the guts to say it to her. Even when she needed to hear it. Instead, I hid and lied, and I tried to keep this hot, powerful thing we had to myself. Because I feared once it became real, the fire would die out and love would become something watered down. Tame.
I didn’t want tame with my woman. I wanted wild fucking where she screamed my name and I punished her for trying to come without me. Now, I knew the pain and the heartache; the love and need would never be tame between us. It burned too hot and too bright, and I had been too scared to let it breathe.
This thing between us burned hot enough that it didn’t matter if I was a fuck up that could never deserve her. Didn’t matter that Gigi didn’t know who she wanted to be yet. Gigi wanted me, and I fucking wanted her. Just as flawed and imperfect as she was right now. I didn’t care if it burned us to the fucking ground.
“Cage, I am in love with your sister, and I want to marry her someday.” Cage spun from watching Hunter and Levi, back for his first call, battle a stove engulfed in flames.
“What!?” It seemed like as good a time as any to tell him I was going to be his family for real. Cage maybe didn’t agree.
“I love Gigi. I’ve been in love with Gigi since I was nineteen. I think she loves me too, but I might have fucked shit up. I want to be with her. I want to always be with her. I want to date her and make her love me again, and do shit she deserves. Then someday, I want to marry her. I won’t ever want someone else, Cage. I haven’t really ever wanted anyone else. I love her.” We stepped away when it was clear they had it in hand, Cage shoving his mask up to glare up at me.
“You asking for my blessing, dick?” I started to bristle before I saw his dimple flashing as he fought a smile.
“Fuck yes! Deacon’s next. I love her, Cage. So fucking much.” Emotion poured over me as I tipped my head to the skies emptying snow on us, “I don’t want to lose you or your family, but she’s a fuckova lot more important. I think that’s another reason I didn’t come clean. I love her enough to turn my back on you, but she’d never do the same and I just…” Cage laughed and clapped a hand on my shoulder.
“You are a fucking idiot. Gigi thinks you hung the fucking moon. If you love her this much, stop making the both of you miserable. It makes me fucking miserable. It makes Charli miserable. Which makes me more miserable. Enough misery, Finn. Do it right this time. You have my fucking blessing, you dick. Gigi’s worth everything so you better fucking show me you know that.” I nodded and we shared a look, the emotion passing between us thicker than the fire inside.
“I’ll give her everything. I promise. Fuck…now I need to talk to Deacon.” I groaned and Cage laughed, slapping Levi’s head as they passed us headed for the truck.
“Bro-seph, I’d be more worried about talking to Gwen than Deacon. Good luck with that.” I froze and they were pulling away from the home we’d saved before I began running after them.
“Shit! Gwen!” How had I forgotten mama bear?
Two days later, I asked that again as I stood on their doorstep, nervous as shit, with my heart thundering. I was about to tell the closest thing I had to parents that I was in love with their daughter. Well, that I had basically always been in love with their daughter. Their baby. Fuck me.
Gwen threw open the door with a bowl of cookie dough in one hand and wine in the other. Her bright smile reminded me so much of Gigi. Damn, I had that to look forward to.
I loved her like a mother, but Gwen was hot as shit for being a mom of four kids. That would always be my little secret. I couldn’t wait to come home to someone like Gwen every single day.
“Afternoon, Gwen.” Gwen peered up at me, then she lit in a wide smirk and tilted her head to invite me in.
“Long time, my sweet boy. Figure something important had you drag your ass out here. Might it involve one of my children? Perhaps not the one I am used to discussing with you?” I paused at the threshold of the kitchen before she nodded to the stools sitting at the bar.
“Yes, ma’am. I don’t, uh…I don’t know where to start.” Gwen sat down her wine and shoved the cookie dough at me.
“Start with balls.” When my jaw hit the counter, she laughed and showed me what she meant, “Perfect little balls make perfect little cookies, Finn. Making cookies for some of the kids at work. Gluten free, sugar free. I don’t suggest tasting them.” Her bright green eyes sparkled and I sighed, knowing the task was to set me at ease.
“Balls. Gwen…I spent too long hiding the most important fucking thing I’ve ever felt. For selfish reasons. For reasons tangled up with my own shit. I don’t deserve the kind of family I’ve earned by being Cage’s friend. I never knew…the way you guys love is something out of a fucking fairytale. It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Until I knew what it felt like, what it looked like to be in love with Gigi. I love her, Gwen. I have for longer than I should have.” I reached for the wine she shoved my way, swallowing the sweet red down in one gulp.
“Gigi loves chocolate chip. I made her some for you to take to her.” I blinked at her, glancing between my hands rolling cookie balls and her smiling face.
�yes, she loves chocolate chip. I mean but, she prefers your oatmeal raisin because she always got the whole batch.” Gwen laughed, soft and airy, and I just watched.
“Oh, Finn. Yes, Gigi prefers my oatmeal raisin. Because she is different than the others. Always was. I love that she is so different. That she has no clue who the fuck she wants to be.” My brows shot up, and she hummed around a swallow of wine, “You love her for all the same reasons. Because she is just Gigi. Oh, she is Deacon’s daughter and the girls’ baby sister. Cage’s little shadow. Know something you don’t know?” I nodded as she hovered the wine over my glass, then took it after she topped it off.
“Gigi was always just Gigi. Until one day. I know exactly when it happened, but we might save that for another chat, yeah? Those pretty dual colored eyes looked at you one day, and she was not Gigi anymore. She was your Gigi. Now, she didn’t change for you, and she never will. Gigi just aligned herself to be part of your life because that’s what she wanted. Because she loves you. I know you love her, my handsome boy.” Another gulp, and my heart was racing in my chest.
“You…you uh, you knew? How long did you know?” I flushed when she laughed again and twisted to pop the perfect little balls of cookie dough into her oven.
“The night of her graduation,” Gwen twisted back and dusted her hands on her apron that read ‘My Fireman Starts My Fire’, “Gigi was frustrated and lost, and you soothed her. I watched you out on that deck with her, and I knew you would slice your own throat before you would watch her be miserable. If you could help it. You loved her more than you loved yourself. Sharing your swinging dick with every girl who looked like her kind of clued us in too, handsome boy.” Gwen made me blush like only she could.
“I thought…I tried to get her out of my system. Gigi deserves fucking everything and I just…” Gwen tipped my wine glass up, and I nearly choked.
“You might want you to be wasted for me to buy that line of shit, Finn Cooper. Your family may be heathens. You are not them. You never were. You are a good man. A man I’m very proud I got to watch grow up and become who you are. Gigi loved you, flaws and all. Just like you love her. Gigi is not perfect, though I’m pleased you love her enough to think she is.” I smiled around my wine because fuck yes, I thought she was perfect.
“You risk your life every day because it’s what makes sense to you. You would give your life for my son. You love this family and would do anything for us. It breaks my heart you don’t see what a good man you truly are. Doesn’t matter. Gigi does. You hurt her, and my mama bear instincts suggest I shred you. If I didn’t think hurting her is absolute torture for you, we’d be having a different conversation, Finn. I love that you love her this much. To drink cheap wine and make cookies with her mother.” Once again, a member of the Cooper family had me overwhelmed with emotion.
“Here to ask for Gigi’s hand in marriage?” Deacon’s voice boomed from behind me, and I almost spilled my wine.
Deacon stepped in front of Gwen, ignoring me while he greeted his wife. The man looked at her like they were teenagers in love and nothing else existed. I hoped in forty years to look at my woman like that. Because that’s what I felt for her.
That brief time I’d had her at my place day and night, had been a happiness I had never known. To come home to her and leave her in the morning; it was like nothing else. I wanted it for the rest of my fucking life. Gigi felt like home, something I had never had before.
“Actually,” I cleared my throat, and they both spun to watch me, “At the moment, it’s a bit presumptuous. But, yes, Deacon. Sir, I want to marry Gigi. I love her, and I want her to be my wife. When I fix the shit I fucked up.” I rolled my eyes at myself; leave it up to me to fumble asking for Gigi’s hand in marriage.
Instead of panicking over what I had just said, or wondering about all the pussy marriage would cost me, I realized something. I was calm. Calm in a way I had never experienced. My mind raced with questions and doubts all the time.
Sitting there with two of the most influential people in my life, having asked for their little girl’s hand in marriage, I was calm as a cucumber. Or some such shit. Peace settled over me when they smiled, and Deacon crossed towards me.
“You absolutely have my blessing, Finn. I love you like a son; might as well make it official, yeah?”
Something passed between us as he put a heavy hand on my shoulder, and I had to look away from the affection on their faces. Jesus, Cooper love was no fucking joke. They loved with every part of them and made no bones about showing you. It was sometimes too much, but I would never turn away from it again.
“Thank you, sir. Your family is why I’m standing here today. Not in a jail with my brothers, or high on the streets with my sisters. I love all of you. Just love one of you a lot more.” They both beamed at me as Deacon slid his arm around Gwen.
“Now, to get Gigi talking to you again.” Deacon laughed, and I sighed because I had done it but good this time.
“Well, I’m going to ply her with Gwen’s cookies. Then I’m going to do everything in my fucking power to stop fucking up. I won’t hurt her again, Deacon. I promise.” Gwen shoved a container of cookies my way and shot me a wink.
“Go get your girl, my handsome boy. Mama bear won’t let it go again, though. Hurt her again, you won’t need to worry about what my boys do to you. Remember that. Love you tons. Now go, I need some time with my Cooper man.” I made a noise of disgust, but smiled and left them alone.
Before I headed home, I made a few stops. Charli was a life saver and so excited when I called asking her how to fix our broken hearts. I loved Charli. Because she loved my boy Cage like there would never be an end. Cage deserved that. With some tips from her, as she giggled and cooed over how sweet this was, I set my plan into action.
I ordered flowers to be delivered every other day of the week for the next two weeks. Not roses like that pretty motherfucker had tried to open her legs with
. My woman didn’t even like roses; Gigi loved plumerias, an exotic flower with delicate petals. Which got me thinking about the sweet petals between her legs and I left the florist with a rock-hard dick.
With Charli’s instructions, I got tickets for a few shows at the Orpheum. Also, got some tickets to a movie I knew my woman wanted to see. Even bought some passes for an art exhibit. Charli said it would all work, and that Gigi wouldn’t care if I took her to an empty lot. As long as I was trying, she said.
When I stopped by the station, both to tell Cage how it had gone and tell him my plans, he and Hunter gave me shit. I requested days off weeks in advance to be sure I wouldn’t ruin said plans, and they thought it was hilarious. Cage joined in with Hunter’s ribbing, but I could tell he was impressed.
“Going to do it right this time. Date her. Take her out and show her off. Show her I can be a better man for her.” At that, Cage let out a sigh as Hunter was called away.
“Good, bro. Just...don’t change for her. Gigi didn’t change for you, and for some reason, she wanted you just the way you were.” I knew where he was coming from, but I couldn’t tell him all my plans.
Couldn’t really tell Cage I bought box seats for some of those shows. With every intention on spending the show between her legs, eating her sweet pussy. My intentions were good, but they still reeked of Finn Cooper. Because that's who my woman wanted and that's who she was going to get.
My next two days were twenty-four hour shifts so I was stuck at the station. That wouldn’t stop me. I had a plan to get my woman back, and like Gwen said, I was using my balls.
Before I started my shift, I raced to her place and let myself in with the key she didn’t know I had. Cage gave me a spare when we first moved in. Kind of doubt he even remembered it. I had a bouquet of the flowers, Gwen’s cookies, and something I’d picked up for us both.
Carefully, I set it all up on her counter, then let myself out and locked the door. I hoped the surprise made her forget I'd committed a B&E. I was anxious as I rushed back to the statio
n, but I made sure to send her a text. I wanted to set her straight on what was about to happen.
Me: Time’s up, Sweetheart.
Gigi: Is it? Because you decided? I loved when she was feisty, gave me a reason to punish her a little bit.
Me: Because I can’t stand it anymore. Can you? I held my breath, but her answer let me breathe again.
Gigi: No. Where are you? I…. are you with someone else?
Me: Tell me what you think when you get home, Sweet Girl.
For the rest of the night, I had no time to talk to her because the alarms sounded very half an hour it seemed. When I drug myself into my bunk at two am, I had a response from her. That response, and the photo she sent with it, made the rest of my shift fly by.
Gigi: Finn Cooper. Did you just ask me on a date while giving me the key to your cock?
Attached was a photo of the necklace I’d left for her. It was an intricately designed pave diamond key. Hidden within the design was an “F”. For me, because it was her key to my cock. It was beautiful and perfect.
I’d added a wildly inappropriate dick charm to it. Complete with a diamond drop of cum. It was hanging at her neck, dangling between her tits, and my cock saluted the image wholeheartedly. The picture also showed tickets to a show at the Orpheum this weekend.
Me: Yes. You get to see my key later. So…is it a date?
Gigi: You owe me some actual dates. Yes, Finn. It’s a date.
Me: I owe you a fuckova lot more than a date where I know I’m getting some pussy later. I will be getting some pussy, right? I smiled as she typed a reply quickly, my cock stirring despite my exhaustion.
Gigi: Wine and dine me first, Finn Cooper. I miss you. I hate this. I hate when it’s weird or hard or bad. You make it hurt, but it's only you that can make it better, Finn.
Me: I miss you too. Sweet Girl, it’s never bad. Not for me. Even when I can’t breathe or you're pissed at me, or I’m hurting, it’s not bad. What I feel for you is the best fucking thing I’ve ever felt. Even the hard shit feels like nothing else. I laughed out loud at her response.