Burn It Down (The Burn Series Book 2) Page 16
Gigi: We’re fucking pros at the make-up sex. Pretty sure you will be getting pussy later. My cock had to wait, even though I sensed my woman needed me to make her cum, and some sexting sounded fucking amazing.
Me: Got to go play sexy fireman. Think about that, but don’t you touch that pussy till I can hear you cum. Think about me, dirty and sweaty, dreaming about devouring your sweet pussy. Do that for me, baby?
Gigi: Yes. Yes, I might think about that all the time, in fact. Fuck, I loved her, and I would have told her as much if I didn’t know a text was the worst possible way to tell her.
First, I was going to woo my woman, like she fucking deserved. Piece back together the parts of her I had broken. Then I was going to fuck the rest of her back together.
Between the wooing and fucking, I might get the balls to ask her to marry me.
“Morning, Lola. You behaving yourself?” I giggled at the cute pixie firecracker when she wiggled her dark raven brows at me.
“I think that is a near impossibility. You look positively radiant this morning. It’s that firefighter dick, isn’t it?” I gasped and apologized to Mags for Lola’s filthy mouth.
“Heard worse.” Maggie dismissed and helped the next customer as I blended Lola’s coffee.
Lola Von was a librarian at Washington, the library Charli worked out. Also, the library I fed my addiction through. We were chatty cats long before she and Charli met. Once the two started bonding over the cute note exchange my brother and Charli had going via books, the three of us grew closer.
We often shared lunch together or went book shopping. Lola also was artsy, and so we talked often about photography and her painting. Lola had talked me into a club night this weekend, but I was about to disappoint her.
“Speaking of firefighter dick.” I was always louder and less inhibited with her, and I kind of liked that about her. Lola was mouthy and brash, and she gave no apologies for her opinions.
Lola was also a fucking knockout. With short, dark, choppy hair she styled to perfection, and often highlighted with wild colors, she was wildly sexy. A tiny body with curves for days, she was comfortable in her skin.
I loved her eclectic style; today, she wore dark gray striped tights beneath a knee length wool skirt and a bright yellow sweater with a massive flower on one shoulder.
“Ohh, did you get some? Finn? He’s smoking hot. I had my eye on him before I recognized your scent all over him.” No apologies.
“Yes, it’s Finn. We’re going on a real, honest to God date.” Lola had a brief rundown of the two of us, and so her loud squeal made me laugh.
“Fucking-A! Sweet deal, sweets. Where to? Fucking comes after, right? Sorry, Mags!” To appease for her mouth, she threw some cash in the tip jar.
“He’s taking me to a show at the Orpheum! Fucking is not on the menu as far as I know.” Lola snorted and took her coffee, sucking at, the icy blend right away.
“I don’t believe that man steak is taking you for a show and your mimsy is not his meal after.” I giggled and kicked her out with a promise to reschedule the night at the club.
After I came home to cookies from my mother, my favorite flowers, and jewelry, I'd known my time was up. Finn was done waiting. Patient man that I had, he waited almost three weeks for me to figure my shit out.
Truth was, we both knew I had nothing figured out. Not really, anyway. Didn’t matter to either of us. That shit would still be there whether I was with Finn or not.
What I had figured out was trying someone else was a waste of time. Perfectly good time I could be with Finn. I did try, really.
I liked Jordan and he was handsome but he was not Finn. I hadn't figured myself out yet, but I still needed to figure that out with or without Finn. I chose to be with Finn.
I touched the necklace that dangled into my top. A beautiful key covered in sparkling pave diamonds. In true Finn Cooper nature, he’d added a sterling silver dick; I had laughed because it even had a teardrop of what I could only guess was meant to be cum. Filthy boy. I loved him. I fucking loved him. I was pissed off, angry, and still hurt.
But I still loved him.
We had talked on and off for the last few days, and every other day, I got a delivery of my favorite flowers and more of my mom’s cookies. The cookies meant one thing: my man hauled his own cookies out to Lake Kadjah to talk to my parents about seeing me.
This was fucking huge, and we should be making a big deal out of it. Instead, we were flirting and talking dirty and doing all the shit normal couples do.
After I came home to my gifts, Finn texted me daily to remind me the key around my neck was to his dick. That he had the key to my pussy too, and I would be seeing it soon. That was four days ago, and I was bursting for him to back up his cocky talk.
Every day, he had talked filthy to me and made me send him photos of the necklace. Mostly nudes with the necklace dangling between my tits. Every time I obeyed, he would let me to touch myself while he listened. Finn never let me come, though.
“Stop touching my pussy, Sweetheart. Put your fingers in your mouth. Let me hear you taste yourself.” I obeyed early this morning, feeling dirty, hot, and needy for him as I sucked my desire off my fingers.
“Fuck. You’re so hot right now, aren’t you? Don’t you dare make yourself come. Keep your pussy hungry all day. I might have a surprise for you later. Do you want it?” My moans filled the air between us, and he growled.
“Yes baby. Please. I need you to let me come.” It had been weeks since I had come, and he’d spent all week keeping me on edge.
“Mmm, I didn’t say my surprise was you getting to come. You work today, right?” I whimpered because I knew he would hold out just long enough that when he let me come, it would be exquisite pain.
“Yes. Till my classes.” We both sobered a little because I had yet to tell Jordan I was done trying him on.
“Tell that pretty motherfucker his services are no longer required. He puts his hands on you again, Gigi….” A shiver of desire ran through me as he raged because his jealousy turned me on.
“Mmm, send me to class hot for you, and he puts his hands on me. What if I come by accident?” I loved pushing him because I loved the sweet torture of his punishments.
“Oh Sweetheart, don’t push me. You want to be able to sit at the show tomorrow night? If yes, watch your dirty mouth. I’ll spank that sexy ass so good you won’t sit the rest of the weekend. I have plans for that sweet ass so let’s not ruin them, hmm?” I almost came from that promise, but I powered through it.
Whatever those plans were, I was looking forward to them. Lola was probably right; fairly certain my mimsy--what she called a pussy--would be begging for him by tomorrow night. Just as I got ready to reply to his message, to push about the surprise he teased, I froze.
Rage coursed through me when I saw her. Bree was giggling and flirting with Jordan at a table by the front door. I had yet to talk to either of them since the night I tried to taunt Finn with Jordan.
I didn't care that she was shoving her tits in his face. I was done with her.
I just needed her to know that. Though she clearly didn’t believe in lines, Bree had crossed mine. The lack of loss I felt the moment I realized we were friends out of habit and nothing else told me lines didn’t matter much for me either.
Bree twisted as if she felt the finality of my decision in the air between us. Watching me, Bree leaned up to whisper in Jordan’s ear.
Jordan’s eyes flew to me as he stepped away from her. The clear look of being caught crossed his face, and I would have laughed. If it mattered. If I cared at all.
My fingers toyed with the necklace hanging at my neck as Bree approached the counter. Jordan hung back. What a shame; I’d prefer to kill two birds with one stone.
“Morning, honey bun. Can I get a mocha frap?” Before I could begin to make it, Mags spoke up.
“Not from here. Next, please.” My eyes swung to the sweet frazzled and brash woman be
side me. I adored her.
“Excuse me?” Mags winked at me, and I smirked at Bree as I dismissed her.
“The usual, Gina?” Bree stepped out of the way of one of my favorite regulars. Gina was the coffee shop’s neighbor who ran a bookstore.
“Always. Black like my soul, gorgeous.” Behind her, Bree was glaring at me, clearly not finished with me.
“You won’t serve me? Why?” Once again, before I could speak up, Mags beat me to it.
“We won’t serve you. My shop, my choice. Starbucks welcomes all kinds. Yours too, honey bun.” Mags said the endearment with venom in her voice.
“Because of Jordan? Or Finn?” Bree smirked, and I laughed as I made Gina her poison of choice.
“Because of you, Bree. Starbucks is like a religion for you. You came down here for coffee, why? Because you wanted to dig yourself into me with your poison. Like a fucking tick. Half my life, you were my best friend. I truly had no idea until I saw you today that you have no clue what the fuck being a friend is like.” Bree stepped closer to the counter, glaring at me, all niceties gone.
“Over me letting Finn dick me down a few times?” Ice shot through my veins. I knew she was lying.
Bree had a tell; always had. When she lied about sneaking out to fuck our chem teacher in sophomore year, I watched her parents ignore it. Junior year, after I heard rumors she fucked my prom date when I wouldn’t, I saw it.
Her cheek bounced as she bit at the inside. Always her left one, and always as her eyes bounced in their sockets. Fucking lying bitch. Hate scorched through my veins, but I wanted her to hang herself. So, I gave her the rope.
“I mean, I knew once. Thought I might have suspected another. How many times is a few times, Bree? By now, I’ve absolutely gotten used to you gobbling up my sloppy seconds. Benji. Porter after junior prom. Jordan next, if the little show just now is any indication.” Bree smirked like the cat that ate the canary.
“Just a few more. You guys fight, he tries to hurt you by calling me. I never told you because I didn’t want him to get what he wanted. Besides a taste of my pussy, of course. I can’t help it. You told me how good he was. Finn is pretty persuasive. I like it rough, and he’s so big I know he can handle it.” The bitch licked her lips and let out a sound before she smirked.
“Bree, you can go. Don’t come back. You won’t get coffee or the satisfaction of hurting me. Because I know you are a filthy fucking liar.” Bree gasped and shoved closer, her tits flattening against the glass counter that displayed crumpets and donuts.
“Liar? Honey bun, you saw him come back to me that night. You saw him bring me into his place the night you brought Jordan home to make him jealous. Instead, you listened to him ring my bell all night.” I laughed coldly and nodded towards Jordan.
“He was an innocent bystander. You, honey bun,” I spit the loathsome name out and leaned over the counter to get into her face, “were the only one who missed the train wreck that night truly was.” Bree laughed but it sounded strangled as I went on.
“Remember freshman year, the Beta party? How I lost you because you were busy spreading your legs for the entire pledge class? Yeah, well, we installed the tracking programs I located you with that night. I know you were nowhere near my man either night you claimed he was tasting your filthy pussy,” I realized Jordan, Gina, and Mags were watching the show, but I didn’t care.
“I knew you dropped to your knees for Benji freshman year. I knew before you even climbed Porter’s dick to ride it in the limo on prom night that you would. You can’t help yourself. and once, I felt bad for you. It’s like a compulsion. and I thought it was because you hated me. Doesn't matter now, be jealous all you want. Finn is mine. He doesn't want you.” Bree laughed and made a scoffing sound that stuck in her throat.
“Honey, why would I be jealous of you? You saved yourself for a man who was so busy dicking down every pussy that would spread for him, he didn’t notice yours was waiting. You're too blind to see the truth. I fucked your men because they needed something after they had you.” Gina gasped beside me, and I didn’t miss her calling this complete stranger a few nasty names.
“Oh, Bree,” I smiled widely and shook my head sadly, “you resent me for all the right reasons. Because my father doesn’t give me strange feelings. I don’t need to spread my legs for someone to want me. When I do, trust me, honey bun, they do not come away wanting more. Ever wonder why the two men I’ve been with were the two you couldn’t manage to close the deal with?” Bree opened her mouth to talk, but Mags spoke up.
“You can go now, honey bun. Don’t come back.” Then we all dismissed her, and I thought we were through.
“Wrong, honey bun. Just one. Let me know how it hurts when you figure out which one said yes.” Then she glared at Jordan as she shoved past him out into the snow.
The shop was quiet for a few moments, and then Gina and Mags started talking about the coming holiday. I appreciated the distraction from the scene we had just caused. Thanksgiving was coming soon, and the block, and both stores, looked like it.
Above the heavy scent of coffee grounds, you could smell the pumpkin spice muffins that Mags was famous for. Amber and crimson leaves hung from the windows, even though the streets were covered in snow, the trees mostly bare.
Before I could face Jordan, because I felt him waiting to talk, I needed a moment. I needed Finn. I excused myself and snuck into the kitchen. I wound the necklace around my fingers, letting the key dangle against my skin. I refused to cry for Bree ever again.
“Sweetheart,” Finn’s deep rumble was like warmth wrapping around me, “I am not telling you the surprise. You get it soon.”
“I saw Bree. We, uh….” I shook my head as I sniffed back the anger and sadness that battled for supremacy.
“Oh, Sweet Girl. Was it ugly? Want me to come take you home? Mags will let you leave, yeah?” I smiled and swiped at my eyes, refusing to let sadness win.
“No, Finn. I want to stay. I need it. Bree said you, uh…said you two got together between our fights. That you used her to hurt me. Bree said she didn’t tell me because she didn’t want you to have what you wanted. Except her, of course.” I knew it wasn’t true, and still, I needed him to confirm it.
“Never. I’d never touch Bree, even if I didn’t know it would be betraying you. By both of us. I…you mean more than anything to me, Gigi. Done a shit job of showing it, I know. Still true. It kills me to know I ever hurt you, Gigi.” The tears came anyway, but I was smiling as I swiped them away.
“I hurt you too. We’re good at the hurting. Just got to get better at the good stuff. I need to go talk to Jordan…” Finn growled, and I almost laughed. His jealousy filled me with such fucked up pleasure.
“Why? You’re talking to me. What’s that pretty motherfucker doing there?” Finn’s voice was dangerous, and I fought the way my body responded to it.
“Not sure. I need to tell him my keys belong to someone else, and that I was just wasting his time. I don’t know how I’m going to go to class and face him now.” I groaned because until that moment, I hadn’t considered how awkward it was bound to be.
“Don’t, Gigi. Don’t go to his class anymore. For one, you’re not sure you even want to continue with your major. For two…Sweetheart, it will kill me to think about you sitting in his class with that pretty motherfucker wanting you.” I smiled into the phone because he wasn’t wrong; I wasn’t sure English was what I wanted to major in anymore.
I’d thought only Finn knew I was still unsure what I wanted to do with my life. Until a conversation with my mom recently. Mom ended it with her knowing “Hmm, I see”, which basically meant she totally saw through my lies that things were going good. Because they weren’t, and she always knew.
“I can’t just drop out. I mean…I could drop his class. Finn, do you want me to drop his class?” Simple question really, but we both seemed to realize it held so much weight.
“Yeah. I do. I’m a jealous motherfucker, it seems. This is
a new development. It’s a pussy fact, but a fact nonetheless. We aren’t golden yet, and till we are, I’d rather not have that pretty motherfucker feasting his eyes on my woman.” I almost laughed. Inside, I might have giggled a little.
“I can do that. I need to get back to the counter. I am going to tell him about you…I mean…about us.” I wasn’t sure what we were; we had gone back and forth so much.
Just because he called me his woman, and I had brazenly claimed him as mine moments ago, in front of witnesses, Finn was right. We were far from golden yet. It was complicated, but I finally felt like we were done making it more so. Now we just had to figure out how to try this again.
“You tell him you got a man who will break his fucking face if he puts those pretty lips anywhere near your gorgeous face again. Tell him we’re fucked up, and we may not be golden yet. But we fucking will be. Got to go too, Sweet Girl.” I heard the alarms at the station, and my heart thudded as it always did, “You get your surprises in about two hours, okay? Miss me till then.”
Then we disconnected, and I smiled. I was actually close to Ladder 71 and could hear the wailing of the fire trucks as they tore out of the station.
A few times in the first weeks here, when we were avoiding each other, I tried to ignore them. Tried not to feel that rush of panic and fear that I always had when he had to go out on calls. When I knew my brother was on those calls too.
I was not surprised to find Jordan waiting a little impatiently by the counter. Mags shot me a look, and I mouthed an apology which she smiled away. Then she made herself scarce, chatting with the handful of customers seated at the tables and corner booths.
I squared my shoulders and tugged at my necklace once more. When I approached, Jordan scowled immediately. I was not expecting that reaction.
“A boyfriend? You were seeing me while you had a boyfriend waiting?” I could only assume Bree had told him much more than he needed to know.