Burn It Down (The Burn Series Book 2) Page 19
Jesus Christ Gigi, you idiot! Like a jealous child, I brought Jordan here to shove him in Finn’s face. Hurting us both and inviting someone I didn’t care about into my home. We Coopers, we’re pretty strict about who we bring home. Except Mom; but she has a sense about her.
“Just to make you jealous. To hurt you. I made him coffee, then he left.” I sighed, bending forward and fussing with my hair, throwing it into a topknot.
“It worked, by the way. Hurt the shit out of me to see you bring a man to your place. I’m so fucking sorry you had to watch me do it for so long, Gigi. I don’t fucking deserve you.” Finn was back from his pace behind my couch, dropping to his knees.
“Oh, baby. You’re such an idiot. You tried for so long to protect me from the one thing that makes me feel good. That makes me feel whole and complete. It hurt like nothing else to feel like I wasn’t good enough. I know better now. I know you thought the exact opposite. You are good enough, Finn. Baby, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me. You make me laugh, and you make me feel more than I know how to handle, and you believe in me. I need you.” Finn laid his head in my lap and shoved between my knees.
“I can never make up to you all the women I fucked wishing it was you. It should have been you. You were always there, Gigi. I couldn’t even come sometimes unless I thought of you. It’s twisted and fucked up, and I’m sure I hurt a lot of women. It only matters to me that I hurt you. How can you be with me knowing what a piece of shit I was? What a God damn coward I’ve been?” Finn sat up on his knees, bringing him eye level with me and I smiled, tears in my eyes.
“I could have spoken up sooner. Could have stopped rating them to be petty and jealous. I could have just told you that I,” I swallowed the words, and he seemed to realize it, “I wanted you. I was a coward too, Finn. Why didn’t I tell you? You gave me chances. Besides…you did it from a place of desperation. I was a bit more obsessed with you or, I might have done the same. I mean, I kind of did; I am sure you noticed every guy I brought home kind of resembled you.” Finn smirked and leaned forward to kiss me sweetly, tangling his hands in my topknot.
“I wanted to break their fucking necks. I wasted so much time. I wanted you just as badly, just as long, as you wanted me. I’m so sorry we lost so much time.” I shook my head and scooted forward.
“We didn’t lose anything. You were always there for me. Always who I wanted to end up with. I was never going anywhere but wherever you were, Finn.” I locked my legs at his ass and he bent me back into the couch, kissing me quiet.
We didn’t talk about Jordan anymore. Or Cage or my father. I didn’t talk much more at all for the rest of the night. Finn had me naked on the couch a few moments after our heart to heart.
He kept good on his promise and fed on me until my thighs trembled around his head as I clawed at his muscled back. Then we switched places, and I watched him as I made him weak.
Finn carried me to bed after we made love twice on the couch and once in the shower. Then Finn carried me to bed. There, he took me twice more, officially breaking in the bed.
I was exhausted by the time he got his first call of his next shift. I hated on call shifts because he was coming and going. Then again, I was usually coming before he was going and always when he came back. Finn kissed me goodbye sweetly at the door and told me to look special for our first date.
“Almost forgot. You wear the key to my cock,” Finn tugged at the necklace then watched it drop between my tits, “which turns me the fuck on, by the way. Key to your pussy is staying with me, Sweet Girl.” Finn cupped my left breast in his hand, and that’s when I noticed it.
A new tattoo at the curve of his hand. The lovely key hung from a ribbon that wove around the skull at his hand. I loved that piece before, but now…it was perfect.
Dangling from the ribbon was an intricate looking key. In the very center, a “G” was woven within. The design was exactly like the key I wore around my neck, and I yanked it out to see the “F”. The tattoo ended at the curve of his thumb and no one would miss it. Finn leaned in, shoving that hand down between my legs.
“Your first tattoo is going to be the matching lock right above this sweet pussy. Later, Sweetheart.” Then he kissed me so deeply I was blinking for a moment before I realized he had left.
We were so wrapped up all night; neither of us had noticed the dozens of missed calls and hundreds of text messages on my phone. All from one number.
I was nervous again. Did not make sense because I never got nervous. Not when I barged into a fire or jumped from a building to safety. Not when I sat in the court room and watched my brothers sentenced, or when I walked away from my sisters.
I should have been nervous when I sat with Deacon and Gwen Cooper and asked them if I could marry their daughter. Instead, I was nervous because I was taking that daughter on a romantic date. Our first.
I didn’t do dress up, but I did put some effort in. Trimmed my beard, tied my hair back in a nice bun. Gigi liked the bun. Liked to hold on to it when I was between her legs, devouring her.
I shoved at my cock as he stirred and mentally gave him a pep talk that he was to behave tonight. Tonight was not about getting off. I glared at the image in the mirror, telling myself tonight was all about Gigi.
The dark wash jeans and brand new boots felt too tight. The long sleeve V neck was baggier, but felt tight once I put on the leather jacket I’d picked up earlier. Everything felt too stiff; it was all brand new, but that’s not why I felt so stiff.
I was fucking nervous. Two times I let my hair down to re-tie it so it was perfect. I put on my woman’s favorite cologne and paced until I could cross the hall and pick her up.
I had no clue what the fuck I was doing. I just wanted to spend time with her where it wasn’t just about my dick getting taken care of. Although, I wanted to take care of her, if she let me.
Just as I began to shove at my dick, cursing that he seemed uncooperative, I heard her. Heard her call through her door to mine. My blood pumped so fast I got dizzy as I crossed towards the door. Even my breathing wasn’t right.
“Finn?” Gigi called again, and I smiled, hearing the hint of excitement in her voice.
“You stay right there, Sweetheart. I’m crossing these ten fucking feet to pick you up and take you out. You hear me?” Unsteady hands reached for the bouquet of flowers by my door and the present I had for her.
“Waiting, Finn.” Her giggle hit me right in my chest, and my dick calmed down. He was going to behave.
Shaking my limbs out, I let myself into the hall and took a deep breath. Then I knocked on her door, filled with anxious excitement. I had never done this. Even in high school. Prom night was the closest I came to a date.
It was the first time I saw Gigi looking at me the way she still does. I was miserable, and everyone thought I yanked my date out to bang her. Truth was, I spent the night pouring my heart out about how fucked up I was over Gigi. Seems some things never changed.
Gigi took my fucking breath away when she opened the door. At my chest, my heart seized at the sight she made. My woman was always hot, even in basic leggings and silly sweaters. Tonight, she had put in some work, and my dick woke back up. Greedy fucker.
I should have been doing this with her this entire time because she looked amazing. Gigi deserved a reason to dress up, even if I didn’t deserve to be the one who got to have her on my arm.
Dolled up in a dress, dark stockings, and sky high heels, she was stunning. The silky green dress fell just to mid-thigh and left her long, sexy legs on display in those stockings. It plunged low in the front and her perfect tits spilled out. Suddenly, I didn’t want to share her.
Thin straps hooked behind her neck in a bow, and I knew her back was bare. Gigi put some work in on her eyes, which killed me every time she did it. Glossy lips smiled up at me as I clutched her flowers to my chest.
“God damn, Gigi. You always steal my breath. Always. You…you look so damn beautiful.”
I barely managed to strangle the words out as she took the flowers and pressed her face into them.
“Thank you, Finn. Hmm, you dressed up for me?” Those beautiful two toned eyes lit up as they moved over me, and my heart swelled.
“I tried. Damn, you look so good you make me want to mess you up. Not tonight, Sweetheart.” I stepped inside for her to put her flowers away; several bouquets already lingered around the place, and I smiled.
Gigi’s heels clicked on the hardwood floors as she headed to the kitchen. Filling a pitcher with water, she set the new flowers beside two others, in varying colors, on the breakfast bar.
When her stunning eyes lifted to me and she flushed, I wanted to up my orders. Send her flowers every fucking day if they made her smile like that. Gigi again touched her face to each bouquet and breathed deep. It was beautiful.
“Damn, you’re so beautiful.” I breathed, reaching out to shove at some of the hair she had curled into big waves. It fell down her back and framed her beautiful face.
“So are you, baby.” Gigi reached up, pressing close against my chest, her hands cradling my face.
“Something for you, Sweetheart.” My eyes fluttered when her fingers traced my trimmed beard, tugging a few times playfully.
“Finn…I don’t need gifts or flowers. Just you.” I shook my head and shoved the tiny box at her anyway.
“Too bad. I think you do. Open it.” Gigi hooked an arm around my neck and pressed even closer.
“I do love the look on your face when you give me something.” My cock heard the innuendo, and I growled, giving in and taking a great handful of her luscious ass.
Then I watched her face as she opened the box. Her eyes shot up to mine once she saw what was inside the little velvet box. I gave a squeeze of her ass, and she gasped as her thumb slid over the gift.
Nothing too impressive. Just a pair of earrings to match her necklace. Really, I had the whole set in mind ever since she first made the crack about locking my dick up.
I had a friend who designed jewelry, and when I knew I wanted to win my woman back, I reached out. The necklace that hung perfectly between her tits was an exact copy of the tattoo key I had done on my left hand. Where mine was woven with a “G”, for my woman, hers had a swirling “F” tangled within it.
The earrings matched, only one was a lock and the other, the matching key. The lock would be tattooed right above her pussy the minute I knew she was ready to be my woman. For good.
“Will you wear them tonight?” I reached up to tug at her diamond studs.
“I will always wear them.” Gigi took them out, and lightning fast, she switched out the studs for the dangling key and lock.
I cupped her neck, thumbs at her jaw, and tipped her face back. Fuck, she was stunning. The light caught the glittering diamonds as they sparkled at her ears. I didn’t want to ruin her make-up, but damn, I wanted to kiss her.
Gigi leaned forward, her hands reaching out to clutch at my arms. Before I could make up my mind, she was ruining her own makeup, her mouth sweet and slick against mine.
God damn, I loved her. The feel of her softness pressed to me, the sweet smell of her perfume and shampoo filling my lungs. The sweet taste of her, just her, and that glossy pink shit she was wearing. It all tasted and felt like why I loved her.
The way Gigi clung to me, shifting one long leg between mine to notch herself closer. Gigi needed the connection as badly as I did, and emotions pounded through me.
It was me breaking away first. I knew I’d let her ruin this, and I’d tear that dress from her and fuck her right there. It took little for Gigi to cloud my senses when she wasn’t trying. Even less when she was trying. I pressed my mouth to hers gently then lifted away.
We were both breathing heavy, and both her eyes had flecks of fiery green in them now. Damn, I loved when she looked like that. Gigi’s face was flushed and she licked her lips, her teeth catching the fuller bottom flesh between them.
“Let’s go. Dinner before the show, Sweetheart. Doing it right this time.” I had to do this; I wanted to have a relationship with Gigi. Not just hot sex that would never be enough for her.
Gigi said nothing, but let me help her into her long pea coat jacket. Then, like a gentleman, I took her hand and led her out. I was still nervous, but the sweet kiss and the excitement in her eyes was working on me.
When I helped her into the blazer, I got a little grabbier with her luscious ass than I needed to. That helped too. Gigi giggled, and that sure as shit helped.
Then I climbed in beside her and reached for her hand. In the diming light of the cold afternoon, I brought her hand to my lips. I closed my eyes and kissed her palm, then each fingertip. Weaving our fingers together, I headed towards a restaurant I thought she’d like. After dinner, we’d head to the show and hopefully, I’d get to take my woman home tonight.
I kind of hoped I’d get more than a good night kiss.
Finn was being absolutely adorable. I wanted to let him have his date, I really did. What I wanted more was for him to take me home, and pin me to his bed, and fuck me till I couldn’t remember my name. Finn was capable of this, I knew from experience. Instead, I took his hand as he helped me out at the valet of a fancy restaurant.
Looking absolutely amazing in some perfect fitting jeans that made his ass look delicious, he was nervous. The leather jacket and nice form fitting top made him uncomfortable, I could tell.
Still, he looked fucking stunning, and I was struggling to behave. It had been too long, and I missed him. Spending time with someone else just made me realize what I had with him. I was starved for him now.
I knew how bad he wanted this so I had no intentions of ruining it by being randy. No matter how badly my pussy throbbed when he opened that door with flowers and gifts, looking ridiculously hot.
I wouldn’t let the sexy grin he gave me as he held my chair out for me ruin my reserve. Finn seemed more excited than I was. Apparently, playing the perfect boyfriend made Finn hotter than I might be able to stand. Who knew?
“Thank you for all this. You know I don’t need it.” I spoke quietly as we opened menus in the dark restaurant.
When he first mentioned dates, I said I was owed them. At the time, I felt like I’d been robbed a little of the experience. Having him pick me up and take me out. Show me off, maybe. I didn’t really need a pricey meal and nights out with him. Just him.
“Yes, you do, Sweetheart. You deserve the entire experience of someone wanting you. I plan to give you every single bit of it.” A wink and my thighs clenched because, fuck, he was hot when he was being sweet.
“I’m certainly looking forward to it, baby.” I smiled, and his eyes went a little heavy. I blushed when they fell to the low cut of my dress where his key rested.
“I love seeing that fucking key between your tits. Makes me hard as shit. Seeing that’s almost as huge as a ring on your finger. Never thought I might be so possessive. With you…I don’t know any other way to be.” Finn spoke softly, his eyes never leaving my face, except to admire the sparkle of the “F” at my chest.
My eyes watered a little because he never talked like this. Like he thought we could be something real. Something that would ever require a ring. Reaching for my water, I noticed my hand trembled. Finn noticed too and took it before I reached the water. Closing his eyes, he brought my left hand to his lips.
“I have thought about a future with you, Gigi. Never told you that, did I?” My heart thundered in my ears, and I was sure it drowned out the din of the restaurant.
“No, you definitely have not. Tell me now.” It came out breathy and pleading as he kissed my fingertips.
“Mmm…not exactly a first date chat, yeah? One time I came home from work, and I was beat. Had a few bad calls. I came home and you were already there, after I gave you my key. Dinner was cooking, and you looked so fucking good in my space. I just wanted to carry you to the couch and hold you.” Finn smiled at me warmly over the candles
between us.
“I did, and you knew I was beat. You fed me, then you ran me a shower and waited for me in bed. It was one of the best fucking days, and I didn’t even need to fuck you. I wanted that every night after that. A few weeks later, Cage caught us, and I should have told him that. Because that’s why I want you, Gigi, nights like that.” At my chest, my heart seized, and I wondered if he could tell what those words meant to me.
“Not just locking my pussy up for only you to have?” Finn laughed, and I did too, but the moment was still heavy.
“Mmm, no. That goes without saying, though. I fucked around too long, too much. No other woman gets me as hot as you do, Sweetheart. You look at me, I see that fire in your sexy eyes, and I just about lose my God damn mind. If I thought I knew what I was doing, knew how good it could feel, I was wrong. The first time I was inside you I knew. You taste sweeter than anything I’ve ever had in my mouth.” Finn licked my thumb and I moaned, “Your sounds get me so hard it hurts, and coming while I’m buried deep inside you is like a hit of ecstasy mainlined to my fucking soul.” Well, shit. Finn did dirty and sweet one right after the other and I might not be able to take it.
“Have we decided on our entrée for the evening?” The waiter picked the worst possible moment to pop back up, and I glared at him.
“I know exactly what I want.” Finn shot me that sexy smirk and I squirmed.
We both ordered, and Finn got us some wine, the same my parents preferred. I loved that he was being so sweet. Mingling his talk of a future and dirty shit was making me starved. Not for the steak and lobster we had both ordered, either. Had I been wearing panties, they would be ruined. Finn leaned over the able to watch me in the dim light.
“What’s on your mind, beautiful?” I almost laughed because my reply was inappropriate. Answering “your cock” seemed wildly inapt.