Burn It Down (The Burn Series Book 2) Page 20
“Hmm, just you. Us. This.” This was not a lie, but he smirked wider and leaned closer.
“Liar. I see your eyes going sexy green on me. Bet if I slid your panties aside, you’d be wet.” My thighs trembled as I looked away because, again, no panties and appropriate responses and all that.
“Tell me something. Something I don’t know about you.” As I watched, he lit up, and I was glad I'd held my tongue.
We talked about everything we had never talked about. At least, it felt like that. Over delicious steaks and succulent lobster, we behaved like a real couple. We told each other things we somehow didn't know about yet. Little things, big important things.
Finn told me about considering my parents the biggest influences in his life. About how often his brothers and sisters still reached out to him. That hurt, so I took his hand tightly in mine. Finn answered all my questions, then he asked his own.
I told him about why I loved Doctor Who. Then I told him about the chats Charli and I had at our lunches. Finn asked about my other classes and if I liked to travel. This got me excited, and Finn watched me with such softness as I rambled that my chest tightened.
“Go someplace with me, Sweetheart,” Finn spoke quietly over the chocolate lava cake he insisted we share, “I’ll take you anywhere you ever want to go. Let’s do it. Tonight. Tomorrow. Whenever you want. I want to see the world too. With you, Sweetheart.” I felt the words bubbling up. It was so perfect; I knew I could tell him.
“Anything else this evening?” Again, the waiter interrupted just as a pivotal moment was coming.
I loved him. So fucking much, I don’t know why I wasn’t screaming it. Wasn’t branding it across my fucking skin. I wanted to have that future with him and let him take me around the world. While I took photos and he made love to me until I forgot what country we were in.
“Look at me, Sweetheart.” Finn’s voice was hard but warm as he dismissed the waiter.
Seeing my emotions warring within me, he leaned over and kissed me. Careless of the hot chocolate cake between us and the dollops of vanilla ice cream.
Finn’s hands tangled in my hair and he angled us both over the table. His tongue was in my mouth, and I moaned loudly, not caring who heard. Who saw us. He lifted away, touching his forward to mine. Then I saw it. Saw the same emotions in his eyes that were struggling to burst forth from me. Excitement, lust, need, love. Love. Love.
Finn’s blue eyes were crystal clear with love, and for once, I didn’t need him to say the right thing. To tell me the words because I could see them plain as the thick beard on his beautiful face. Finn loved me, just like I loved him.
We weren’t golden yet. But we would be.
Dates were phenomenal. At least, dates with Gigi were. Having dinner and talking and laughing with her. Talking about the future a little and sharing shit I never made the time to share while I was fucking her into needing me.
It was like nothing else staring at my beautiful woman from across the table. Gigi ate and watched me with such emotion in her stunning eyes, I don’t know how I made it through the meal.
Dozens of times, I wanted to drag her to the coat check and bend her over. Make her scream so loud the entire place would hear me making her come. Or meet her back at the ladies’ room and watch us in the mirror as I fucked her.
More than once, I almost caved. Almost did one of those; both, if I had my way. Instead, I enjoyed her company and realized how fucking in love with her I was.
Had I thought I was before sharing tonight with her, and last night in the snow, I had been wrong. Just like I told her I had been wrong thinking I knew what fucking was like before her. I had no fucking clue. Nothing was as messy, sweet, complicated, and fucking perfect as having Gigi as mine.
“You excited for the show, Sweet Girl?” I slid my arm around her as we walked through the snow towards the running blazer. Valet was sweet.
“Mmm, I’m excited to be out with you. I don’t care what we do.” I knew she meant it, and that made my chest fill up with love.
It was great sneaking around with her, at first. A little exciting. Terrifying too. Even better when we started to get serious out of nowhere. Then fucking miserable being apart.
The passion and heat that sparked between us was awesome, even if it hurt. This though, --just having her with me and talking about real things that were a part of us--this was fucking amazing.
Having her sweet and open, and just being her was the best thing yet. I felt like the only person I was truly myself with was Gigi.
Even Cage, who knew me better than anyone, caused me to act differently. There was always that male competition; whether it was the tattoos, the women, the drinking. With Gigi…I just was. Holding her hand while we listened to crappy 80’s music and drove downtown in the snow was as epic as it got.
Gigi was excited and a little tipsy off the wine she’d downed at dinner. I thought it might not take too much persuading when I wanted to bury my face between her legs. Especially since she was fidgeting in her seat, watching me with that burn in her eyes. Fuck, she was hot.
“Well, I am looking forward to it.” I slanted a look at her and smirked.
My eyes watched her tits bounce in her dress. The satin of her dress did nothing to hide her pebbled nipples. I didn’t think my woman was wearing a bra.
This made my dick harder, though it had been hard all night. Seeing the necklace bounce between her tits sobered me a little. I could do all I wanted to her later; right now, I wanted to see this date through. I had plans.
I bought the box seats for Hamilton, a show I knew she wanted to see. The show was for her. The box seats were for me, for what I wanted to do to her in the dark.
Because if any other dude better suited to her took her out, it would be to something like this. What I did to her in the dark of those box seats is what would make our dates different. Ones that promised all the culture with the bonus of my tongue fucking her to orgasm.
Again, I left my keys in the hands of a young valet, growling when he held my woman’s hand too long while helping her out. Gigi giggled and slid to my side, soothing my jealousy.
Tonight, she seemed oblivious to the looks, to the attention, and I was kind of glad for it. My woman seemed as focused on me as I was on her, and that made the pricey dinner and pricier seats worth it.
“I’m excited now that I see the theatre. I wanted to see this show, but I mean…baby, I know it’s not your thing. You don’t need to do these things for me just because…” Gigi didn’t finish her thought as we headed inside.
We both knew what she meant. Just because someone like her dick professor would. That meant I absolutely had to do these things.
I gave a swat, then a squeeze at her ass and yanked her closer. No panties. My dirty girl. Bending into her neck, I breathed her in before I whispered at her ear.
“I do need to, because pleasing you is what I need to do. Tell me why my woman has no panties on?” Another swat of her ass, and Gigi moaned a little.
“Because even if it’s a date like this,” Gigi indicated the swirling ceilings and gold pillars of the theatre, “it is a date with you, Finn Cooper.” My eyes focused on her tits to confirm no bra, and she flushed beneath my gaze.
“I should be offended. I’m not. Just know I appreciate it. Still plan to punish you for it later, Sweetheart. You want a drink?” I nodded towards the bar.
“Yes, please.” Gigi wet her lips, and I watched the drag of her tongue.
“Keep it up, Sweetheart.” I made a show of adjusting my hard cock and she whimpered.
At the bar, I ordered two beers, and she smiled when I handed over hers. Gigi might drink those girl drinks when she hung out with Charli or Lola, but for the most part, she was a bud light kind of girl.
Didn’t mean she wasn’t a classy chick, just meant she didn’t have to drink wine and spritzers to prove it. Even though Gigi was uncertain about her future, she was never unsure about herself.
was a major reason I had wanted her for so long. I was the exact opposite. With such a fucked-up family, I had no guidance on what kind of person to be. It left me unsure of who I was. Until I met the Coopers.
It was ironic to me the way we had been paired together, Cage and I. In junior high, I had a chip on my shoulder and a bad attitude. Cage was always a good kid, his parents raised him right.
I got into some trouble one day, nothing unusual about that. Somehow, we both got called down for it. Sitting there, waiting for them to figure it out, Cage decided the course of my future for me.
“Why’s he here? I did it.” Cage didn’t even know what he was admitting to, and we both knew it.
Before then, we had often gotten stuck together in labs and such because of our matching names. Cage was always smart and friendly, but I had that attitude. I was a few calls to the office shy of getting expelled.
That particular day, my stunt might have been enough. While they were in gym, I was smoking in the locker room. It triggered the sprinklers and soaked the entire class.
We stood dripping in the principal’s office because Cage had lingered to make sure everyone was okay. Kid always had a firefighter mentality.
“Cage, I don’t buy that. You don’t even need to be here.” With a smirk back at me that would cement our future friendship, he argued with the principal.
Got me out of trouble and took me home that afternoon, after he threw away my cigarettes as penance for his week of detention. I learned how to be a better person because of Cage and his family.
I found out I could get by in school and stay out of shit if I stuck with him. Without the weight of my family’s failures weighing me down, I was able to try and figure out who I was. While I still wasn’t sure exactly, I did know a few things.
I don't know about fate, but I do believe I was meant to meet Cage. He led me to this path. I was meant to be a firefighter. I felt like a good man when I helped someone or saved a home.
I was a good friend because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Cage or Hunter or even Levi. I was honest and liked to make people laugh, even if it was at my expense. I hated to hurt people.
It had killed me to lie to Cage for so long about Gigi. Hurting my woman for so long had hurt me tenfold. It was like torture seeing her in pain; I couldn't do that to either of us again.
I didn’t know who I was for sure, but I knew what I wanted. I wanted to give Gigi whatever she wanted. Because I knew she was part of who I wanted to be. I didn’t deserve her. I would never believe I was good enough.
Now, I didn’t care; if Gigi wanted me, then I would stay by her side until she didn’t. I wouldn’t risk hurting her again by trying to be righteous. I loved her, and whatever she wanted from me, I was going to do everything I could to give to her.
Starting with some orgasms once the lights went down.
Finn was on his best behavior. I was suspicious. I was wearing a positively reckless dress, with no bra or no panties, because I knew that would piss him off.
When he realized it, it absolutely did. I saw the fire in his gorgeous eyes. Thought he might forgo the show and drag me into a dark corner of the theatre. I kind of hoped for it, in fact.
Instead, he gave a swat at my ass, promised to punish me later and left me wanting. Which I actually didn’t mind. My pussy was aching, and my clit throbbed with every step. The swirl of satin against my hot, wet core was delicious.
As Finn led us to our impressive seats on the upper balcony, I was enjoying myself. Finn looked sexy and smelled so good, but he still seemed too well behaved.
Really, it was sweet, and I wanted to let him be sweet. At the same time, I loved Finn just as he was. Dirty, improper, and honest. Didn’t mean he couldn’t play the sweet boyfriend role if he wanted.
I knew how important this date was so I was doing my best to behave. Watching him pull a long drink from his beer, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, I moaned softly. Damn, he was sexy.
“What is your absolutely favorite feature about me?” I wondered aloud as we took the glistening marble stairs up to the balcony.
“Hmm, physical? Like, ass, tits?” Finn had his thick arm around my waist, his hand slipping enough to shake my ass.
“Yes. Just curious.” I knew exactly what mine was; I had always wondered his.
“Your eyes. I mean, your ass is incredible.” Another shake followed by his fingers digging in roughly, “Perfect, round, heart shaped, and looks damn good when you’re riding me. Your tits are spectacular, and I love those pretty nipples. But…it’s your amazing fucking eyes that do it to me every time. Because you show me everything you feel in your eyes. Broke my heart to see me hurting you because you couldn’t hide it; your eyes gave it away. They get greener the hotter you get for me. You laugh, and they flash bluer, less green. They’re like nothing else.” I gaped at him as he led us through the curtain to our box.
That had not been an answer I expected from Finn. It was beautiful and my heart swelled in my chest. Fuck, I loved him. I felt the words on the tip of my tongue. I don’t know why I held back. What kept me from saying it?
He had to see it because like he said, my eyes showed everything. Finn tugged out the lavish Louis XVI chair for me, and I sank into the plush tufted seat. Edging his closer to mine, he shoved my skirt up to wrap his hand around my thigh.
“Your turn. Favorite feature? I’m very curious now, Sweetheart.” His fingertips traced circles at my skin, slowly moving higher, and I could barely focus.
“Um…I could be obvious, as well as vulgar, and say your massive cock. I do love it. Not my favorite part, though. You might be surprised,” I let out a sound as breath left my body, his fingers shoving to the curve between my hip and sex, “because it’s not an obvious answer.” Finn chuckled, and the sound rocketed through me, settling low in my pussy.
“Oh yeah? Do tell, baby. Don’t mind me.” Another laugh, and my thighs trembled, his hand shoving them apart when they started to close.
“It’s uh…your arms. I mean, I love your hands, oh shit,” I was struggling to think, then he went and swiped his fingers over the wetness between my thighs, “but I love your arms. The tattoos and shit make them sexy. But I just love how they feel when you hold me. I feel safe. I like the shape of your muscles, the way they flex when you’re fucking me.” I moaned, low and long, when his fingers plunged inside me suddenly.
The lights had dimmed, and we looked like any other couple seated at the theatre. Music started, but I couldn’t focus as his fingers began pumping. Finn smirked that sexy half smile that had my thighs spreading wider for him.
His fingers curled inside me, his thumb joining in as it flicked and swirled at my swollen clit. I watched him in the dark, my head thrown back against the high back of the fancy chair.
“Finn…Jesus.” My hips rocked, despite my feeble attempt to pretend I gave a shit about our surroundings.
“Shh, behave, Sweet Girl. Watch the show. Let me watch you. So fucking sexy when you’re hot for me. You thought I might behave all night? Hmm? Knowing my woman’s pussy was bare? Hot and wet for me? You know better, don’t you, Sweetheart?” I moaned and attempted to nod, my eyes heavy as his fingers found a rhythm that matched the music swirling around us.
“Yes…I know better, baby. Oh, Finn,” I whimpered as he slowed down just when I was close, “God, yes.” My teeth tore at my bottom lip as he slid his fingers out, spreading my arousal over my swollen lips.
“Mmm, not yet, Sweet Girl. Spread your legs for me. Good girl. Touch yourself. Let me watch you.” My eyes flew to his, my head snapping up.
Finn was watching me, his eyes hooded and dark as midnight. His hand stroked his cock through his jeans and he jerked his head at me. Urging me to obey.
I always did so I wasn’t surprised when my hand slid down between my legs. As if on its own accord. We moaned at the same time when my fingers pressed past my slickness, my back arching.
“Good girl.
Don’t make yourself come. That’s for me. Just play with it for a while. Watch the show, Sweet Girl. I brought you here for the show. You are my show tonight. You look fucking beautiful.”
At his words, my skin flushed, making me doubt how beautiful I could be. The boys used to tease me for how easily I flushed, but it seemed to please Finn. Plus, he told me more than once the way he made me flush was different.
I had no doubt because everything with Finn was different. My fingers circled slowly, almost lazily, at my clit. I whimpered, trying to obey his demands. Focus on the show playing down below.
“Tell me more. Tell me something you don’t like about me. What do I do that drives you mad?” I glanced over, seeing him still stroking his erection through his jeans.
“Tease me. Not really,” I smiled when he lifted a brow, “because you never tease me without making me come later. I don’t like how you doubt what I feel for you. How bad I want you. How much I need you. I hate it, actually.” I moaned as I sunk my fingers in, intending to disobey him and grasp at the orgasm just within reach.
“Don’t you come, Gigi.” Finn’s voice was raspy and rough, the way it got when he was turned on.
“Please. I’m so close.” I pleaded as my hips bucked, my fingers pressing faster and harder.
“Stop. Watch the show.” Finn repeated, the music barely reaching me at this point.
Like always, I obeyed. Focusing as best I could on the show, I let the orgasm that was bound to come burn through me. It speared down my back and crawled through my veins. Burning me up as it begged for release.
My fingers slowed, but he hadn’t told me to stop completely. I glanced over to find him watching me, his breathing unsteady and his eyes darker than before. I needed him to touch me. It would take just the weight of his hand between my legs. We both knew that.
Finn, of course, did not touch me.
For long moments, I struggled to focus on the show, feeling him watching me. My fingers still circling my clit, two diving inside the wetness, and ruining the fancy chair. I spent most of the first act on edge. Just when I wondered how long he’d keep me like that, he moved.